Ready 2 Serve Home Healthcare LLC is a locally-operated home health care agency servicing Alexandria, Virginia, and the surrounding counties. We specialize in rendering medical and non-medical care to our patients who are suffering from illnesses, injuries, or old age, and are bound in their homes. We believe that each client’s situation is unique, which is why we provide a unique care plan that addresses the individual health issues of each patient. Our home health care staff is always ready to render assistance and support, whatever is necessary, for the achievement of good health, improved quality of life, and comfort of our clients at home.
To lead the industry in providing immediate and quality care to homebound patients.
To help our clients at home achieve their respective health goals through the provision of medical and non-medical care programs at the highest quality.
A care coordinator can perform a free in-home evaluation to assess the needs of your family member. Please schedule your appointment online or call 703-382-8180 today for more details about Home Healthcare in Alexandria, Virginia.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Ready 2 Serve Home Healthcare LLC provides equal career opportunities for employees and services for clients. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as a company, we shall not exhibit unlawful discrimination against any person on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, color, gender, religion, national origin, race, age, or ethnic background.