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    Tag Archives: Personal Care

    Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Services in Virginia

    In most cases, people don’t know that they’re suffering from dementia until it’s already there. All they notice is that they’re slowly losing some cognitive abilities. People with Alzheimer’s Disease, for example, start by being forgetful and not remembering what they were thinking about in the first place. A little bit of background – dementia … Continue reading

    How Essential Are the B Vitamins in an ADHD Diet

    Every child is unique, yet some children are born differently. Raising a child is challenging but raising a child with a disability is more perverse. However, it is a promising journey. As a provider of disability care services in Manassas, we understand how difficult it is to be taking care of a child who has … Continue reading

    Seated Yoga Poses That Seniors Can Try

    Yoga is the most accepted exercise that is available for everyone to try. Kids to older adults are allowed to try yoga as their primary form of exercise. Performing yoga can be according to the capability of an individual. This type of exercise can help improve a person’s balance, stability, and flexibility. Yoga can even … Continue reading

    Helping Seniors Avoid Chronic Heart Disease

    The heart takes on one of the most important roles in the body’s system. It provides oxygen and nutrition to all the other parts of the body. It is only fit that we take care of it as much as we can. But sadly, heart disease is the top cause of death globally. As a … Continue reading